This webpage will walk you through everything you need to know for the season including deadlines, timelines, guidelines for submission and tips!
Online Wildcard Registration is now closed. Check back in September for news and deadlines for next year’s Wildcard.
OWC and Distance Tournament
Both of these programs will run side by side. Distance Tournament teams will compete separately from Online Wildcard Teams.
Please read this document completely as some rules apply to BOTH tournaments and some apply to one or the other.
Online Wildcard
If you are already registered for an in-person regional tournament at one of our regional tournaments and want an extra chance to compete at Nationals, enroll in the Online Wildcard!
For an additional $129+HST, schools may register one of their competitive teams for the Online Wildcard Tournament. This is an extra chance to attend Nationals as a competing team. Teams in the online Wildcard will submit video footage for judgement by February 1, 2025 and winners will be announced by February 24, 2025. The Online Wildcard is separate from the Distance Tournament. The full details of the Online Wildcard will be given as teams register.
The Online Wildcard Tournament Includes
Junior Teams are NOT eligible for the Online Wildcard.
Distance Tournament
This program is designed for schools who fall outside of the geographic regions listed above. This may include areas that have traditionally been involved in regional tournaments or it may include teams completely outside of the scope of regional programming. For the purposes of this year “falling outside of the geographic region” will mean anyone who has longer than a 3-hour one-way travel time to attend a regional tournament. This program is also built on the understanding that if a school qualifies for the National Festival they will be allowed to travel to Ottawa, Ontario April 16-19, 2025.
Please note that Junior Teams are welcome to register in the Distance Tournament but will be considered Non-Competitive. They will receive feedback and workshops but will not be entered in the competition.
Registration for the Distance Tournament this year is based on a per/team payment system. The cost to register will be $250+tax per team. Your school may register as many teams as they like – junior or senior. Teams can be ADDED anytime before the registration deadline of December 2nd, 2024.
Teams that CAN participate in regional programming will be encouraged to do so. (ie. if you are a school in Halifax, you will be entered into the Nova Scotia regional tournament, and may not opt into the distance program)
The Distance Tournament Includes:
Mid-Season Evaluations
Every team in both the OWC and the Distance Tournament is allowed to submit 8 minutes of footage (6 minutes for junior teams) for evaluation. Teams do not need to perform CIG events but are encouraged to do so. (See technical points below for information on how to submit)
These scenes will be adjudicated by CIG trainers and feedback will be given within 10 days of submission.
The deadline for midseason evaluations is February 1st, 2025, but we encourage teams to submit earlier to avoid the bottleneck that happens during spring break.
Distance Tournament
Registration: Sept 2nd-December 2nd.
Mid-season eval videos due: Feb 1st
Competitive submissions due: March 1st
Winner Announced: March 5th
An additional round of play will be added if necessary (depending on number of teams registered!)
Online Wildcard
Competitive submissions due (preliminary round): February 1st
Finalists announced: February 10th
Finalist submissions due: February 16th
Winner announced: February 24
Competitive Submissions
Both tournaments will submit 4 scenes as per the instructions below and the official CIG rulebook. If more than 5 teams are registered in the tournament, there will be a second round of competitive submissions. The top 5 teams will submit a second round of video-recorded events.
The winning team of the Distance Tournament and the Online Wildcard will compete at the National Tournament (April 16-19, 2025).
Mid Season Evaluations:
You may perform up to TWO scenes for submission for evaluation. If you wish to participate in midseason evaluations you may submit a video that includes your team performing two scenes for an adjudication. You may record using a phone, a camera, or any video taking device. The most important thing is that we can see and hear you.
Here are a few more rules about the midseason evals:
Competitive Submissions:
The following applies to both the OWC and Distance Tournaments. Please read this carefully or you may be subject to disqualification.
Don’t be a silly goose. Sign up and stay in the know!