Registration for 2024/25 is open now until Jan 15, 2025.
A full breakdown of the program can be found on this page.
For an additional $129+HST, schools may register one of their competitive teams for the Online Wildcard Tournament. This is an extra chance to attend Nationals as a competing team.
Email for inquiries.
The following is an overview of the Canadian Improv Games program running from September 5th, 2024 – April 20th, 2025.
Registration is based on a per/team payment system. The cost to register will be $399+tax per team. Your school may register as many teams as they like – Junior, Senior, or non-competitive. Teams can be ADDED anytime before the registration deadline of December 1st, 2024.
The program is designed for schools that can attend in-person events outside of school such as All Teams, X-Rounds, and a Regional Tournament. This program is also built on the understanding that if a school qualifies for the National Festival they will be allowed to travel to Ottawa, Ontario for the 2025 Tournament.
There will be in-person regional tournaments in the following regions:
Each team that registers is entitled to:
All-Teams and Exhibition-Rounds
As much as possible this year the All-Teams event and X-Rounds nights of play will be scheduled for the same day/weekend to reduce travel costs.
Regional Tournaments
Regional Tournaments in each of these regions will take place in January-March of 2024.
All other regional rules are in place as per the CIG Rulebook.
Request for Regional Scores
Starting last year, teams in the competitive stream may request their final scores broken down by skill on the scorecard up to two weeks after the regional finals. Teams will be given an average score between all judges broken down by scene and by skill on the scorecard. These scores will not be up for dispute or debate and do not need to be requested by all teams. The goal of this addition is to provide teams with an understanding of where they are excelling or struggling on the scorecard. This will help teams focus their efforts the next year. Teams may book a workshop with the CIG to focus on specific skills.
This program is designed for schools who fall outside of the geographic regions listed above. This may include areas that have traditionally been involved in regional tournaments or it may include teams completely outside of the scope of regional programming. For the purposes of this year “falling outside of the geographic region” will mean anyone who has longer than a 3-hour one-way travel time to attend a regional tournament. This program is also built on the understanding that if a school qualifies for the National Festival they will be allowed to travel to Ottawa, Ontario for the 2025 National Tournament.
Registration this year is based on a per/team payment system. The cost to register will be $250+tax per team. Your school may register as many teams as they like – junior or senior. Teams can be ADDED anytime before the registration deadline of December 1st, 2024.
Teams that CAN participate in regional programming will be encouraged to do so. (ie. if you are a school in Halifax, you will be entered into the Nova Scotia regional tournament, and may not opt into the distance program)
Each team that registers in this program is entitled to:
Starting last year, teams may also have any number of NON-competitive teams registered in the Non-Competitive stream. You may register a mix of competitive and non competitive teams. The cost for a non competitive team will also be $399+tax. Non-competitive teams will take part in all of the yearly programming and will have their own night of play during the week of the tournament. They will be given in-depth adjudications.
Non competitive teams will be given a discount to attend the National Festival (more info coming soon!)
For an additional $129+HST, schools may register one of their competitive teams for the Online Wildcard Tournament. This is an extra chance to attend Nationals as a competing team. Teams in the online Wildcard will submit video footage for judgement by February 1st, 2025, and winners will be announced by February 24th. The Online Wildcard is separate from the Distance Tournament. The full details of the Online Wildcard will be given as teams register.
The Canadian Improv Games National Festival consists of workshops, forums, demos, and tickets to the shows each evening.
As always, the National Festival runs alongside the National Tournament, hosted at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Ontario.
This year the breakdown of the competing teams is as follows:
Vancouver Island – Top Team
Lower Mainland – Top Team
Alberta – Top Team
Saskatchewan – Top Team
Manitoba – Top Team
Toronto – Top Team
Tri-City – Top Team
Kingston – Top Team
Ottawa – Top Two Teams
Quebec – Top Team
Nova Scotia – Top Team
Newfoundland – Top Team
Distance Tournament – Top Team
Online Wildcard Tournament – Top Team
This means there will be 15 competing teams (3 nights of play, 5 teams each night) and the top 5 will advance to finals on the fourth night. This is subject to change.
Each in-person region this year will send ONE team to nationals (except Ottawa who will send two) and numbers from any given year will determine how many teams your region will send the following year, any regions that have up to 24 competitive senior teams registered this year will continue to send one team, any region that has 25-44 teams registered will send two, and any region that has 45 and over will send three. Ottawa will always send two teams.
National Festival
ALL teams (regardless of regional ranking) are encouraged to sign up for the National Festival! This is a massive improv festival that runs alongside the National Tournament. Students who register for this paid program will receive daily workshops, access to forums, showcases, and meet and greets. Any team that registers for the National Festival will also receive tickets to all of the shows in the evening. National Festival registration will launch in December of 2024.
National Festival Teacher’s Conference
The national festival will also include the first ever CIG National Improv Teacher’s Conference. There will be workshops, tickets to events, and meet and greets. This content will qualify for professional development.
Virtual Teacher Consultation Calls (October -December 2024)
Regional All-Teams/X-Rounds (October 2024-January 2025)
Regional Tournaments (January/March 2025)
National Festival and Tournament: All the confirmed event dates can be found here:
Registration for the 2024/25 season will run from September 2nd, 2024 until December 2nd, 2025. Payment for schools is due ONE month after receiving an invoice. An electronic invoice will be sent to the email you provide and can be paid online. If your school does not allow for online payments, contact the CIG National Office ASAP at Failure to pay this invoice within the given timeframe will result in a removal from the program.
The registration form will be checked daily and your registration package will be sent out within 48 hours of registering. Invoices will be sent out within 5 days of registration.
Registration this year is based on a per/team payment system. The cost to register will be $399+HST per team in the Regional Program and $250+tax for the Distance Program. Your school may register as many teams as they like – Junior, Senior, or non-competitive. Teams can be ADDED anytime before the registration deadline of December 2nd, 2024.
Refund Policy
Once an invoice has been paid, refunds will not be given except on a very specific case-by-case basis to be decided by the board of directors. Please consider your ability to run a team(s) before registering. Lack of commitment from students is not grounds for a refund.
Any school or team is welcome to purchase extra workshop time at any point during the year- regardless of if they are registered in our full program or not!
Workshops cost $99/hr+HST (+$25 travel rate for in-person workshops) and financial support is available if the cost is a barrier to you.
We had a lot of success and positive feedback from our online workshops in the 2020/2021 and 21/22 year, and are happy to be continuing to offer these workshops moving forward!
To register for a workshop please email
Don’t be a silly goose. Sign up and stay in the know!