Improvcamp: Sponsorships and scholarships

We are excited to announce that we are once again running Improvcamp on Gambier Island! At Improv Camp students are taught to say yes, to embrace others for exactly who they are. Our program serves LGBTQ2SIA+, BIPOC, physically and neurally diverse students, helping them find their confidence through the positive encouragement of their peers, and communities.

The program is a week-long summer camp experience for students aged 13-19. There’s performances every night, canoeing, and so much more. For all the info you can head here:

We have four different ways to be an Improvcamp partner this year.

Highschool programs drama club

Four exciting ways to be a partner

1) Sponsor a Student in Your Community
The Cost of the Camp + Travel

If you have a community connection with some youth who may be interested in coming to camp we would recommend this option. You are welcome to set up a scholarship in your name and accept applications from community members. All we ask is that you give us the name and contact information of the successful applicant and cover the cost of the camp (plus a little extra to help students travel) We’ll boost your posts on our social media as well to help get the word out!

2) Donate Privately
Any Amount of Support

If you don't have direct access to community members we have got your back. If you want to help support students for whom the cost is a barrier, consider supporting our "Send a kid to Improvcamp" campaign through our Canadahelps. We will connect with students in our current program who may need financial support and every dollar donated to us through this campaign will be used to help send that student to camp! Any amount of support is appreciated.

3) Spread the Word
No Monetary Support Required

It's been a while since we've all been to Improvcamp so we need some support in sharing our program. If you want to post about us on your social media- or share our Instagram or Facebook posts to your community pages that would be HUGELY helpful in getting the word out. Tagging someone you know who would benefit from going to camp or even engaging with our posts on social media would be a huge boost to our outreach.

4) Tailored to you
Choose your own adventure

If you or your company have ideas of how you would like to partner with Improvcamp please let us know and we can talk about a specialized sponsorship opportunity. Thank you for helping the youth in your community to develop leadership skills and build confidence through Improv. We are so happy to be back in your community!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team:


Spencer Dunn at – Program Manager

Allie Entwistle and Michelle Hart at – Co-Camp Directors